Friday, February 26, 2010

Driclor Need Prescription My Hands Always Sweat!? Please Help!?

My hands always sweat!? please help!? - driclor need prescription

I'm sweaty 16, my hands and feet (and) always, I think I have hyperhydrosis. Unfortunately, I went to the doctor and told them about this, and almost takes me for a joke and laughed and said it was "ridiculous" and there is nothing they own or what I can do.
I wonder what I could do it myself? Obviously it can not become a dermatologist, without permission from my doctor called. Dri I've tried several, does it not help at all, and actually exacerbate the problem even more. Deodorant Powder for babies and works well. I heard that Drysol driclor and work, but you need a recipe with, dass my doctor to prescribe Hypercar feet, but that does not help. I am a little skeptical thTreatment and iontophoresis, because I know how I feel about sending a shock through my body, no matter how safe they say it is. Botox and surgery are not in question, I have no money for it. I have also heard that their hands immersed in the writings of tea, but I do not know.

any help would be appreciated so wet hands are so painful and I'm still nervous on the hand or the hand with each .. thank you thank you thank you


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