Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Using Adult Diaprs For Boat My Kitten Is Using My Adult Cats Litter Tray. Is This A Good Thing?

My kitten is using my adult cats litter tray. Is this a good thing? - using adult diaprs for boat

Recently, a new kitten. Until I know, was with his litter box clean them. Today, the shell is adult cats. Is this a good thing, or could, on his desire not to cause it to use?


aqua said...

Each cat in the house must have a litter. Litterbox cats often share, but still have 1 left. The problem is that your cat is perfectly possible to have worms or worms, and is expanding its adult cat intestinal parasites. Make sure you worm your veterinarian, and remember to take a second dose deworm a few weeks later to get all the eggs of parasites. Furthermore, I strongly recommend that your kitten vaccinated and tested for FeLV / FIV before being together. I know it's difficult because I'm going through. But separately stored until you know the kitten is healthy and nothing can happen to their adult is really the best thing you can do.

cat lover said...

Okay, this implies that at least two litter boxes. If only two cats well, but also with a cat who wish to often two litter boxes because they want to make each of its business in a separate box.

A problem could arise if the cat were not tested for worms. If you have, and there is a common litter box, both must be addressed. But you will not get to your other cat to the vet, your vet just your weight, and a pill can be provided. In general, a wide shelf, however.

brutusmo... said...

It could be a problem if the objects of another cat, and stop using it ....... Drawer or, if not in the tray Tigerino an adult. Kittens should not be used NO Tigerino until they do not have enough to eat ........

So keep an eye on the interaction of cat ........ My cats share their litter without problems, but the cats are different, and you're the only person they can control what they do .. .....

Hope this helps ...... Good luck. Enjoy your "baby "..........

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