Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Creating A Wrestler Online What Are The Keys To Creating A Fictional Language?

What are the keys to creating a fictional language? - creating a wrestler online

I write a fantastic story, and in it there are words and phrases that you use my characters that are not in the "common" language. For them, I want consistency and wants to ensure that there is a "realism" of the language that I create.

The best thing I can think about my limited knowledge of Spanish language and how words are formed, how do I use this as my basic linguistic form. (I hope this makes sense?)

Anywho, what are the best options / key to create your own language for the fiction?


Tuski said...

I want to avoid all languages, if possible.
If you prefer the jargon to really focus on how words are formed, the search for origins in them.
Let's look at examples of real-world jargon, then try to be a statement about how those words came from or why they are used to draw to represent the idea.
Then apply this model for the same words that you create.

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